3d Printed Functional Machine Parts

A recent project here in the shop was to 3d print this motor coupler part for the ShopSmith bandsaw accessory because we needed it! it’s also going to allow us to use the belt sander attachment with a quick release change out. If you have a 3d printer or know about a cool shop that has one with some open time on the machine, you could have prototype and functional parts designed and printed in hours!

We have this item for sale in our webstore! The price is $24 USD and free shipping to the USA People.

Here is a link to our item page in the webstore!

Rev. JMoney

I run Jmscnc.com and do all the art and stuff here! say hi if you want i am friendly most of the time! thanks for checking out our website. also, yes i am an ordained minister/reverend, i have a certificate yo!

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